Reflecting on NYLD//14
October 8 2014
What a year! It always amazes me how quickly the events go by. We spend months upon months preparing for the events and it feels like within minutes the event is over. We are currently planning the events for 2015 and it has led me to reflect on this year’s events.
NYLD//14 encouraged our future leaders to live a 3D life. Dream what your life can be… then chase that dream. Dare to do the scary brave things that make life an adventure. Develop your strengths – there is more in you waiting to be discovered.
I have very fond memories of listening to students sing along to Roar by Katy Perry, laughing at the Laughing Samoans version of the Three Little Pigs, listening to inspirational songs by Nakita Turner, Clara van Wel and up and coming band NOMAD. We were even given the opportunity to see secondary school host Matt Gibb attempt to dance with 2014 female Choreographer of the Year Parris Goebel. Our primary and intermediate hosts Dave and Gem turned up on stage wearing onesies and then decided to start a little dance party on stage!
Yes, the events were fun and there was a lot of laughter, but the events were also very inspirational. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing students talk about what they had learned and how they were exploring ways they can achieve their dreams and in the process looking at how they can not only lead themselves well, but lead others well too, whether it was within their schools, within their families or even in their communities.
Each and every person who attended NYLD//14 would have walked away with some lessons from the event. Here are a few of the lessons I learned from inspirational kiwi leaders.
Rt Hon Dame Jenny Shipley, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, shared her advice with future leaders:
“Don’t feel limited by historic constraints – you can change the future… look ahead and don’t feel constrained because my generation and my grandchildren’s rely on you being capable of shaping the future for us all”
Jamie Fitzgerald an adventurer and First Crossings presenter had some great advice about progress:
“When you think you’re making the least progress, you’re actually doing the most.”
All Black, Victor Vito talked about his favourite quote from Henry Ford:
“If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right. We are all faced with challenges in our lives. So it is always important that you believe you can achieve your goals.”
To achieve what Parris Goebel, 2014 Young New Zealander of the year has achieved at such a young age, especially on a global stage is amazing. She shared some insight on her journey as a choreographer:
“Trust yourself. Some things I tried didn’t work… it’s ok to make mistakes, not everything is going to look great but you have to keep going in confidence and you’ll get there.
Cam Calkoen – an absolute legend. I have gotten to know Cam over the last few years and every time I hear Cam speak, I can’t help but be inspired. Cam talked about how our motivation is what is in our hearts, our inspiration is what is around us. Take what you can get from people who inspire you and install that within yourself. Cam’s motto in life is “dream big, achieve more”.
“Dream the dream. Vision creates goals, goals create opportunities and what you do with these opportunities is up to you.”
As you reflect on your year and look ahead at the challenges that lay before you or the opportunities that will become available, I encourage you to keep dreaming, keep daring to do the scary brave things in life and always look for opportunities to develop your strengths.
Ia manuia.
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